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Anthology Beacon

Keep them on their path to success 

Enable an end-to-end experience that leverages campus-wide data for valuable insights—and supports every stage of their journey. Identify the most effective programs, uncover at-risk students, and match each one with the best resources however and whenever they need them. 

  • Robust proactive assessments and predictive analytics

  • Flexible early alerts to involve the right support

  • Student relationship management to deliver resources or stay connected

  • Collaboration capabilities for faculty and advisors

  • Advisor-centered functionality to manage individuals and cohorts

  • Visualizations and dashboard analyses to drive impact
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Get to know your students earlier

Anticipate risks using proactive assessments and develop more impactful intervention strategies with powerful data analytics and insights. Our institution-specific predictive model evolves risk scoring and identifies key factors to maintain a consistent influence on student success.

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Empower advisors to help students succeed

Customizable dashboards. Comprehensive profiles. Actionable views. Give your advisors everything they need to proactively anticipate and identify which students need support and when they need it.

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A 360° view brings the student front and center

From academic performance to co-curricular involvement to noncognitive skills, your advisors can have a clear snapshot of each student. Using recommendations and automatic insights, you can highlight patterns across the student journey that aid in your student success strategy.

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Broaden your success strategies

Tie in cohort-level information with additional datasets to identify new opportunities. See which demographic groups need help, understand the impact of support changes, and share visualizations with key stakeholders to show the positive impact of your student success strategy.

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Build meaningful connections

A connected success network allows the right people to focus on key student interactions that make all the difference. 

We’ve made tremendous inroads in breaking down silos and creating a collaborative team approach to supporting individual student needs, while also doing it in a systematic way so that our decisions are driven by data versus anecdotal evidence.

Judith Redling
Associate Provost of Academic Affairs
Drew University
Drew University Logo

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